In September 2023, Prof. Haiquan Zhao was invited to be the Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal, a leading international journal in the field of Sensors, covering electronic, physical and data processing, etc. It is ranked among the top journals in the field of engineering, electrical and electronics, instrumentation and other research areas. 2023 Impact Factor is 4.3, and it is a JCR Zone 1, CAS Zone 2 journal.
Recently, Prof. Zhao’s team has published a series of high-level researches in IEEE TSP, IEEE TASLP and IEEE TSMC, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the top-level project (Nos.:62171388, 61871461, 61571374).
The paper of "Robust Widely-Linear Affine Projection M-estimate Adaptive Algorithm: Performance Analysis and Application" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, with PhD student Shaohui Lv as the first author and Prof. Haiquan Zhao as the corresponding author.

Fig. 1 NMSD and ERLE performance of different algorithms in single call scenario

(a) NMSD performance curves for different algorithms (b) ERLE performance for different algorithms
In addition, around the problem of impact noise interference suppression, he supervised his masters, Cao Zian and Gao Yuan, to obtain a series of robust algorithms, which have been published in top journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, and IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks.
A Variable Parameter LMS Algorithm Based on Generalized Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Graph Signal Processing
Robust Generalized Maximum Blake-Zisserman Total Correntropy Adaptive Filter for Generalized Gaussian Noise and Noisy Input
Robust Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithms-Based Mixture Correntropy and Application to Acoustic Echo Cancellation
In recent years, his team has been focusing on the cross-fertilisation with electrical engineering and other applied disciplines on the basis of theoretical research, and the above research is a milestone achievement in the field of signal processing, intelligent information and control.