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异国求学多年,坚持终有回报——专访电气工程学院首位留学博士毕业生Muhammad Naveed Iq

2013年12月04日 11:40 点击数:


Naveed Iqbal,是一名来自友邦巴基斯坦的留学生,外表憨厚的他加上巴基斯坦人特有的开朗性格,总能给人留下不错的印象。




China you must face many difficulties which we do not experience, no matter in

your study or daily life. And how did you overcome these difficulties?

Ans: Related to studies, I have never

faced any problem. My professor, and all labmates have been very cooperative,

friendly, and willing to help for any matter. Main problem faced during daily

life is while living in China is language. But most Chinese people welcome

foreigners (especially Pakistanis) very warmly, and overall I had a very good

experience living in China.


your opinion, what is the biggest harvest during the period of your doctorate


Ans: I have learned a lot, related to

my major as well as about life. Pleasant memories with friends and labmates are

biggest treasure for me.


there any person or thing that make a great impression or have a far-reaching

influence for you?

Ans: My professor (Prof. Jian Xiao) is

the most inspiring personality for me during my study. He is too caring to

every body and & I feel lucky to have him as supervisor. Also, there are

few friends who did so much to make my life easy during my stay, and in return

I feel I have little to give them, in fact to indebted to them.


you have any suggestions to share for the juniors in our university?

Ans:“In life, we should think more to deliver to others than expecting,

and it makes life easy going.” “For every relation, we

should try our best to be fair.”(通讯员张娟记者陈宇飞报道陈宇飞摄影)